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Response.Cookies("strNoHP")="" Response.Cookies("TJOBORDER_PK")="" Response.Cookies("strStatus")="" '-------------------------->>> End Clear Cookies Response.Cookies("StatusWindowReq")="" Response.Cookies("PostID")="" REM -- Initialization Page Dim nodata REM -- Open Connection -- 'call opendb(objConn) set objRec = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") REM -- Get parameters iPageSize = Application("RowsPage") REM -- Set Recordset Page Size & Cache Size objRec.PageSize = iPageSize objRec.CacheSize = iPageSize REM -- Read Input Form & Store them into cookies pencet = trim(Request.Form("pencet")) REM -- initialization total = 0 lebar_table_utama = 800 sort = Request.QueryString("sort") sortname = Request.QueryString("sortname") REM -- tambahan searching utility searching = Request.Form("searching") if searching = "1" then str_search = trim(Request.Form("search")) str_field = trim(Request.Form("field")) else str_search = Request("search") str_field = Request("field") end if if searchingw1 = "1" then str_searchw1 = trim(Request.Form("searchw1")) str_fieldw = trim(Request.Form("fieldw")) else str_searchw1 = Request("searchw1") str_fieldw = Request("fieldw") end if if searchingw2 = "1" then str_searchw2 = trim(Request.Form("searchw2")) str_fieldw = trim(Request.Form("fieldw")) else str_searchw2 = Request("searchw2") str_fieldw = Request("fieldw") end if str_fieldr = Request("fieldr") REM -- Execute SQL If isnull(str_field) or str_field = "" then str_field = "NOCONTAINER" str_search="1234567" end if SQLStmt="" SQLStmt=SQLStmt & " SELECT * FROM TCONTAINER " SQLStmt=SQLStmt & " WHERE " & str_field & " " SQLStmt= SQLStmt + " = '" & str_search & "' " 'response.write SQLStmt 'response.end StartTime = Timer() x = fGetRecordsSQL(SQLStmt,objRec) if str_search="1234567" then str_search="" end if 'x = fGetRecordsSQL(SQLStmt,objRec) REM -- Counting Number of Pages iPageCount = objRec.PageCount iRecordCount = objRec.RecordCount REM -- Retrieve page to show or default to 1 pagenow = Request.Form("gopage") If pagenow = "" then If trim(Request.Form("i_paging")) = "" Then iPageCurrent = 1 Else iPageCurrent = Request.Form("i_paging") PagingMove = trim(Request.Form("list_PagingMove")) Select Case PagingMove Case "<<" iPageCurrent = 1 Case "<" iPageCurrent = iPageCurrent - 1 Case ">" iPageCurrent = iPageCurrent + 1 Case ">>" iPageCurrent = iPageCount Case Else iPageCurrent = iPageCurrent - 0 End Select End If Else iPageCurrent = int(pagenow) End If REM -- If the request page falls outside the acceptable range, REM -- give them the closest match (1 or max) If iPageCurrent > iPageCount Then iPageCurrent = iPageCount If iPageCurrent < 1 Then iPageCurrent = 1 %> <TABLE width="100%" border="0" ID="Table4" bgcolor=#ffffff valign=top> <TR> <TD align=LEFT valign=top><FONT face=verdana size=4 color=#235771>TRACE CONTAINER NUMBER</font></TD> </TR> <!--<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>--> </TABLE> <TABLE width="100%" border="0" width="100%" ID="Table5" bgcolor=#ffffff valign=top> <TR> <td valign="top"> <!-- START TABLE UTAMA --> <FORM action="PublishContainer.asp?UID=<%=request.querystring("UID")%>" method="POST" id=form2 name=form2> <INPUT type="hidden" name="AdminID" value="<%=session("AdminID")%>" ID="Hidden1"> <TR> <TD width="80"> <font face="verdana" size="2" color="#99999">Search by:</font><FONT face="verdana" size="2"> </FONT> </TD> <TD width="70"> <% if str_field="TCONTAINER.NOCONTAINER" then slc1="selected" end if %> <SELECT name="field" ID="Select1"> <OPTION value="TCONTAINER.NOCONTAINER" <%=slc1%>>NOCONTAINER</OPTION> </SELECT> </TD> <TD> <INPUT type="text" name="search" value="<%=str_search%>" ID="Text1"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="searching" value="1" ID="Hidden1"><INPUT type="submit" value="Search" id="submit1" name="submit1"> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> </FORM> <% REM -- Error Traping for EOF If iPageCount = 0 Then ' Show No Record Found ShowEmpty() Else ' Move to the selected page objRec.AbsolutePage = iPageCurrent %> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="3" width="100%" BGCOLOR=SteelBlue ID="Table6" bgcolor=#235771 valign=top> <TR> <TH ALIGN="Right" BGCOLOR=SteelBlue> <NOBR><FONT face="verdana" size="2" color="#FFFFFF"> <% = iRecordCount %> <font color="#FFFFFF">records found</font> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#FFFFFF"> page:</font> <%= iPageCurrent %> <font color="#FFFFFF">of</font> <%= iPageCount %></FONT></NOBR> </TH> <TD align=right> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="PublishContainer.asp?UID=<%=request.querystring("UID")%>&sortname=<%=sortname%>&sort=<%=sort%>&searchw1=<%=str_searchw1%>&searchw2=<%=str_searchw2%>&search=<%=str_search%>&field=<%=str_field%>&fieldw=<%=str_fieldw%>&fieldr=<%=str_fieldr%>" id=form1 name=form1> <% If iPageCurrent > 1 Then %> <INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="list_PagingMove" VALUE=" &lt;&lt; " ID="Submit2"> <INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="list_PagingMove" VALUE=" &lt; " ID="Submit3"> <% Else %> <INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="list_PagingMove" VALUE=" &lt;&lt; " ID="Button1"> <INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="list_PagingMove" VALUE=" &lt; " ID="Button2"> <% End If %> <% If iPageCurrent < iPageCount Then %> <INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="list_PagingMove" VALUE=" &gt; " ID="Submit4"> <INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="list_PagingMove" VALUE=" &gt;&gt; " ID="Submit5"> <% Else %> <INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="list_PagingMove" VALUE=" &gt; " ID="Button3"> <INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="list_PagingMove" VALUE=" &gt;&gt; " ID="Button4"> <% End If %> <INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="list_PagingMove" VALUE=" Requery " ID="Submit6"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="i_paging" VALUE="<% = iPageCurrent %> " ID="Hidden2"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pencet" VALUE="1" ID="Hidden3"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="search" VALUE="<% = str_search %>" ID="Hidden4"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="search" VALUE="<% = str_Share %>" ID="HiddenShare"> <!---------------------------------------------------------> <!-- Start: Adding capability to jump to a specific page --> <!---------------------------------------------------------> <TD align=right> <FONT face="verdana" size="1">Go To Page :</FONT> <INPUT type="text" name="gopage" size="2" ID="Text2"> &nbsp; <INPUT type="submit" value="Go" id="Submit7" name=submit2> <!---------------------------------------------------------> <!-- End : Adding capability to jump to a specific page --> <!---------------------------------------------------------> </TD> </FORM> </TD> </TR> <% EndTime = Timer() Response.Write "<TD align=left><FONT color=RED face=Verdana SIZE=1>Query Time: " & FormatNumber(EndTime - StartTime, 2) & " seconds </FONT></A></TD>" %> </TABLE> <FORM id="frmGroupList" name="frmLogin" method="post" action="PublishContainer.asp?UID=<%=request.querystring("UID")%>"> <TABLE width="100%" CELLSPACING="1" ID="Table7" bgcolor=#235771> <% REM -- Show Column Atas ShowColumn() 'function based REM --Loop through our records and ouput 1 row per record iRecordsShown = 0 RowCount = ((iPageCurrent - 1) * iPageSize) + 1 If objRec.EOF then ShowEmpty() End If Do While iRecordsShown < iPageSize And Not objRec.EOF REM -- Show Tiap Row 'dim objRecTerm 'set objRecTerm = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") 'SSQL = " Select * From Tbl_Buyer " 'SQLStmt=SQLStmt & " WHERE " & str_field & " " 'SQLStmt= SQLStmt + "like '%" & str_search & "%' " 'x = fGetRecordsSQL(SSQL,objRecTerm) 'if objRecTerm.EOF then Response.Cookies("CountCheck")=RowCount Response.Cookies("PageCheck")=iPageCurrent Response.Cookies("PageSize")=iPageSize if RowCount mod 2 = 0 then x=ShowRow("#E5E5D6",RowCount) else x=ShowRow("#F3F0E9",RowCount) end if 'end if objRec.MoveNext iRecordsShown = iRecordsShown + 1 RowCount = RowCount + 1 Loop %> </TABLE> </FORM> <% objRec.Close set objRec = nothing End If %> <% if nodata <> "yes" then %> <TABLE width="100%" CELLSPACING="2" ID="Table8" bgcolor=#235771 valign=top> <TR> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT"> <FONT face="verdana" size="1" COLOR="darkgreen"> </FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <% else %> <TABLE width="100%" ID="Table9" bgcolor=#235771 valign=top> <TR> <TD> <FONT face="verdana" size="1" COLOR="darkgreen"> <a href="PublishContainer.asp?UID=<%=request.querystring("UID")%>">Back to Previous Page</a> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <% nodata = "no" %> </TABLE> <% end if %> <!-- STOP TABLE UTAMA --> <!--#include file="include/templete/footer.asp"--> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------ End Body Content%> </P> </TD> </tr> </TABLE> </body> </html> <% function ShowColumn %> <TR bgcolor="#08347B"> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "CONSOLIDATOR","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "NO.CONTAINER","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "SIZE","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "VESSEL/VOY","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "ETA","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "NO/TGL.BC11","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "NO/TGL.PLP","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "TPS ASAL","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "PELABUHAN ASAL","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "TGL.MASUK","","700") %> <% call flabel_sort("PublishContainer.asp?UID=" & request.querystring("UID") , "TGL.STRIPING","","700") %> </TR> <% end function %> <% function ShowEmpty %> <TABLE ID="Table10" bgcolor=#235771 valign=top> <TR> <TD><FONT type="verdana" size="2">No Data Found</FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <% nodata = "yes" %> <BR> <% end function %> <% function ShowRow(color,YRow) %> <TR bgcolor=<%=color%> HEIGHT=25> <% e_TGLMASUK="" if not isnull(objRec("TGLMASUK")) then e_TGLMASUK =day(objRec("TGLMASUK")) & "-" & month(objRec("TGLMASUK")) & "-" & year(objRec("TGLMASUK")) end IF e_JAMMASUK="" if not isnull(objRec("JAMMASUK")) then e_JAMMASUK =hour(objRec("JAMMASUK")) & ":" & minute(objRec("JAMMASUK")) & ":" & second(objRec("JAMMASUK")) end IF e_TGLSTRIPPING="" if not isnull(objRec("TGLSTRIPPING")) then e_TGLSTRIPPING =day(objRec("TGLSTRIPPING")) & "-" & month(objRec("TGLSTRIPPING")) & "-" & year(objRec("TGLSTRIPPING")) end if e_JAMSTRIPPING="" if not isnull(objRec("JAMSTRIPPING")) then e_JAMSTRIPPING =hour(objRec("JAMSTRIPPING")) & ":" & minute(objRec("JAMSTRIPPING")) & ":" & second(objRec("JAMSTRIPPING")) end if e_TglBuangMTY="" if not isnull(objRec("TglBuangMTY")) then e_TglBuangMTY =day(objRec("TglBuangMTY")) & "-" & month(objRec("TglBuangMTY")) & "-" & year(objRec("TglBuangMTY")) end if e_ETA="" if not isnull(objRec("ETA")) then e_ETA =day(objRec("ETA")) & "-" & month(objRec("ETA")) & "-" & year(objRec("ETA")) end if e_TGLPLP="" if not isnull(objRec("TGL_PLP")) then e_TGLPLP =day(objRec("TGL_PLP")) & "-" & month(objRec("TGL_PLP")) & "-" & year(objRec("TGL_PLP")) end if e_TGLBC11="" if not isnull(objRec("TGL_BC11")) then e_TGLBC11 =day(objRec("TGL_BC11")) & "-" & month(objRec("TGL_BC11")) & "-" & year(objRec("TGL_BC11")) end if %> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =objRec("NAMACONSOLIDATOR") %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =objRec("NOCONTAINER") %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =objRec("SIZE") %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =objRec("VESSEL") %><BR><% =objRec("VOY") %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =e_ETA %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =objRec("NO_BC11") %><BR><% =e_TGLBC11 %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =objRec("NO_PLP") %><BR><% =e_TGLPLP %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =objRec("KD_TPS_ASAL") %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =objRec("PEL_MUAT") %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =e_TGLMASUK %><BR><% =e_JAMMASUK %></FONT></TD> <TD align="left" width="250" height="25">&nbsp;<FONT face="verdana" size="1"><% =e_TGLSTRIPPING %><BR><% =e_JAMSTRIPPING %></FONT></TD> </TR> <% end function %> <% REM ---------------------------------------- REM -- START: Script to create New Window -- REM ---------------------------------------- %> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT TYPE="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"> <!-- Start Hide Script function newWindow(linkname) { myWindow = window.open(linkname,'CetakPermohonan','width=650,height=400,scrollbars=yes,top=100,left=30,resizable=yes') } function openWindow(pURL,xfiled) { gUrl=pURL //+ "&initialDate=" + escape(document.form2(xfiled).value) myWindow = window.open(gUrl, "myLittleCalendar", 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=170,height=270'); } // End Hide Script --> </SCRIPT> <% REM ---------------------------------------- REM -- END : Script to create New Window -- REM ---------------------------------------- %> <% Function flabel_sort(urlname,text,sortname,width) %> <TH bgcolor="#08347B" ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH=<%=width%> height="25"><font size="1" face="verdana" color="#FFFFFF"> <img border=0 src="../images/down.gif" onclick='javascript:location.href="<%=urlname%>&sortname=<%=sortname%>&sort=1&search=<%=str_search%>&field=<%=str_field%>&Share=<%=str_Share%>"'> &nbsp;&nbsp;<%=text%>&nbsp;&nbsp; <img border=0 src="../images/up.gif" onclick='javascript:location.href="<%=urlname%>&sortname=<%=sortname%>&sort=2&search=<%=str_search%>&field=<%=str_field%>&Share=<%=str_Share%>"'> </font></TH> <% End Function %> <% function flabel_normal(text,width) %> <TH bgcolor="#08347B" ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH=<%=width%> height="25"><font size="1" face="verdana" color="#FFFFFF"><%=text%></font></TH> <% end function %>